At Skin Project we are specialized in treating melasma. We have searched for a long time for a safe and effective method of treatment against melasma. The most effective and safe way to remove melasma and excessive pigmentation from dark skin is treatment with Cosmelan. The Cosmelan treatment from Mesoestetic is THE number 1 worldwide depigmentation treatment and suitable for all skin types.
Cosmelan works in two parts. The first part involves treatment in the clinic. A mask is applied here during the treatment, which works very intensively on your pigment. The second part involves the use of home products (included in the price). These products continue the action to address the disruption in the pigment. By sticking to the advice, you reduce the chance of the pigment coming back.
Cosmelan inhibits the production of pigment. In addition, the Cosmelan mask contains the following ingredients: kojic acid, phytic acid, ascorbic acid, arbutin, titanium dioxin and retinyl palmitate (vitamin A type), all of which block the enzyme tyrosinase. All products are perfume free
When even deeper pigments are present after the Cosmelan treatment, you can switch to the Dermamelan treatment. The Dermamelan is 30% stronger than a Cosmelan treatment. And thereby penetrates deeper into the skin to tackle the most stubborn pigment problems at the core.
Dermamelan Intimate
Is a professional topical solution for gynecological-aesthetic problems such as hyperpigmentation and aging around the intimate areas. This new intimate method contains a combination of active ingredients with a depigmenting effect, combined with an anti-inflammatory component, which visibly improves the skin quality. Loss of elasticity and firmness is addressed and hyperpigmentations are reduced. The efficacy and tolerance of Dermamelan Intimate is clinically proven.
Indications that can be treated are: Genetic pigment formation around the vagina and armpits, aging, loss of elasticity after pregnancy, pigment after skin damage (eg irritation from shaving, waxing), pigment due to friction (eg tight clothing).
This treatment also consists of 2 parts; the first part is performed in practice by the skin therapist. The second part is a home treatment with the Dermalen Intimate cream. You get this cream for free with the treatment! You must use the Dermamelan Intimate cream to support the treatment and to maintain the results.
How does the treatment proceed?
Preparation: to properly prepare the skin for the Cosmelan mask, it is important that the skin is prepared at home with the recommended acids. The acids ensure that the dead skin cells are removed from the skin, allowing the Cosmelan mask to work better and reducing the risk of side effects.
Pre-peeling: 2 days before applying the Cosmelan mask, it is recommended to first apply a Pre-peeling to allow the skin to get used to the acids and to increase the skin's permeability, allowing the Cosmelan 1 mask to penetrate deeper into the skin. coming.
Cosmelan mask: in the clinic, half of the jar of the Cosmelan 1 mask will be applied by the skin therapist. This mask will stay on the skin for 8-12 hours. You will go home with this mask and must remove the mask from the skin yourself after the elapsed time.
After 2 days: you get a call appointment for a check. Then you will start with the other products such as Cosmelan 2 cream, Melan Recovery cream and the SPF130 for home. You will receive detailed instructions for this. In the 1st month you apply the cream three times a day. In the 2nd and 3rd month twice a day and from the 4th to 6th month once a day. In case of severe pigmentation or melasma, it is recommended to use the Cosmelan 2 home care cream for at least one year.
After 2 weeks: Will we schedule another appointment to apply the Cosmelan 1 again (the other half of the jar). It has proven to be more effective to schedule this in 2 separate appointments.
Follow-up: we will schedule a checkup appointment 3 times (after every month) in 3 months so that we can keep track of the result. At home, on the advice of the skin therapist, you continue with the home products that are included in the price. Follow-up checks are also included in the price.
What effect can you expect?
After the mask (applied in the clinic) the skin is red and feels burning and tight. This is normal, especially during the first 24-48 hours after starting treatment. To reduce this, use the supplied Melan Recovery cream. Flaking occurs on the second or third day in all skin types. It is advisable to use the Melan recovery cream and to repeat this every two hours if the flaking is very bad. A week after the treatment, the skin starts to improve! In 95% of cases, the best result is achieved between 1-4 weeks. The pigmentation will be significantly reduced, or even disappear.
To prevent and/or reduce the return of spots, it is very important to continue to take good care of the skin at home after the treatment. It is essential to continue to use good and high sun protection (SPF50).
It is also recommended to continue using the Cosmelan 2 in the evening for up to a year after the treatment to maintain the result.
Reimbursement health insurance
Treatment for pigmentation spots in the face can possibly be reimbursed under camouflage therapy from the additional health insurance. Skin Project is recognized by all health insurers.
The face mask (Cosmelan 1) must remain on the skin for at least 8 hours (max 12 hours). So you have to go home with the mask (which has an ocher yellow-brown color).
Over Cosmelan
Cosmelan is een behandeling die wordt ingezet bij het behandelen van verschillende vormen van pigmentveranderingen in de huid. Het is een behandeltraject dat bestaat uit behandelingen in de kliniek en het gebruik van verzorgingsproducten thuis.
De behandeling met Cosmelan doet geen pijn. Wel zal de huid in de eerste maand onprettig aanvoelen. De huid voelt trekkerig, branderig, prikkend en er kan sprake zijn van een warm gevoel. Er kan jeuk ervaren worden. Naarmate de behandeling vordert nemen deze klachten af.
Bij pigmentvlekken is er sprake van een verhoogde activiteit van pigmentcellen. Hierbij is het enzym tyrosinase betrokken. De behandeling met Cosmelan vermindert overstimulatie van tyrosinase en heeft een regulerend effect. Hiernaast heeft Cosmelan een afschilferend effect waardoor celvernieuwing wordt gestimuleerd.
De behandeling met Cosmelan is volkomen veilig, mist het op de juiste manier wordt uitgevoerd. Het is daarom belangrijk om volgens het protocol te werken en adviezen van de huidtherapeut op te volgen.
Cosmelan is geschikt voor verschillende vormen van pigmentveranderingen. Voorbeelden zijn melasma, zonschade, pigmentvlekken en huidbeschadigingen met hyperpigmentatie.
You will be treated by experienced BIG-registered hbo-trained skin therapists. You can achieve healthy skin with the right knowledge, scientifically substantiated methods and (medical) equipment, proven medical techniques and the right home advice. That is why we only have the very best in house for both medical and cosmetic skin care. The quality of the treatment is paramount to make you healthier, more beautiful and above all happier. You are always central to our clinic and you are not a number.

Make an appointment without obligation
Does your impure skin bother you and does this have an effect on how you think about your own skin and how you feel? Do you want beautiful skin without inflammation and annoying scars? Come by for a free and non-binding consultation with one of our skin therapists. During the consultation we are happy to give you appropriate and personal treatment advice.
The right products for home
In addition to the treatments and to maintain the skin well at home, we recommend these products!
1. Exfoliation
2.Night Cream
To protect
View all our products here