Reimbursements from the supplementary insurance.

The new policy conditions for 2022 have been announced, which is why we have once again made an overview of 'skin therapy' reimbursements per health insurer in 2022. Curious which health insurers offer which reimbursements in 2022? Then click here.

Reimbursement for facial acne treatments

In 2022, facial acne treatments will again be reimbursed within the supplementary insurance. This also applies to all peels that we use to bring acne under control. Almost all health insurers reimburse the treatments that we use to reduce acne scars. These are treatments such as microneedling, hydrafacial, chemical peels, light laser therapy.

Reimbursement for permanent facial hair removal

In addition to the acne treatments, permanent hair removal treatments, such as laser hair removal & electric epilation in the face, are also reimbursed within the supplementary insurance. Treatments on the body are not reimbursed.

Reimbursement for facial camouflage therapy

Camouflage therapy will also be reimbursed in 2022. For many health insurers, camouflage therapy means camouflaging imperfections by means of camouflage (covering make-up such as Oxygenetix). During this treatment, together with the client, we look for a color that matches the skin type, this treatment is reimbursed.

What effect can you expect?

With 3-6 treatments you can achieve an increase of 400% more collagen and elastin and a thickening of the skin of up to 140%! A new layer of skin is created that is smoother, stronger and more elastic than before. The color as well as the structure and depth of the scar will be significantly improved.The treatment is possible on every skin type. For optimal results, 3 to 6 treatments are required with an interval of 4 weeks.

Reimbursement for vascular and pigment laser treatments in the face

There are some health insurers that also reimburse vascular and pigment laser treatments. These laser treatments are used to reduce or remove pigment spots or burst vessels in the face.

From 2020, men are also entitled to compensation for permanent facial hair removal

Until now, only women were reimbursed for these treatments. From 2020, men with unwanted facial hair growth can also claim compensation, provided they have additional insurance.

Skin Project meets all requirements!

Skin Project is affiliated with the Dutch Association of Skin Therapists (NVH) and is registered in the quality register of paramedics. These registrations are necessary to guarantee the quality of the skin therapists. This means that the skin therapists are always trained and are familiar with the latest guidelines and developments. These are also conditions that the health insurer sets to reimburse treatments. Skin Project is recognized by all health insurers.

Questions about health insurance

How do I get a treatment reimbursed?

We would like to refer you to the policy conditions of your health insurer. There you can read whether the specific treatment is reimbursed and for what amount per year. You can pay for the treatment in cash or by debit card at Skin Project. You will then receive an invoice that you can send to your health insurer. This will often transfer the declared amount to your account within 14 days.

How much compensation am I entitled to?

The amount of the reimbursement depends on your health insurer, the additional package you have chosen and the treatment. One health insurer only reimburses €50 per year, while another health insurer reimburses up to €700 per year. The advantage of reimbursement from the additional health insurance is that no deductible applies.

Do I always need a referral letter from the general practitioner to qualify for insured care?

No, skin therapy is directly accessible, so you do not need a referral letter for a treatment with a skin therapist.

Does the fee remain the same every year?

No, health insurers generally adjust their conditions every year. The amount can change, or a treatment will be completely removed from the package. Therefore, always read the policy conditions carefully before you take out a new additional health insurance policy or want to make use of a reimbursement. Every year around mid-November, health insurers announce their new conditions for the following year.

Is compensation always cheaper?
Nee, helaas kan het voorkomen dat de vergoeding lager is dan het maandbedrag wat je extra moet betalen. Kijk in dat geval of je ook gebruik gaat maken van de overige vergoedingen of kies ervoor om de behandelingen zelf te betalen. Aangezien het zorgkosten zijn, kun je ze wel als zorgkosten opvoeren bij je belastingaangifte.
Do I have to submit my invoice myself or do you do that?
Nadat je bij ons een behandeling hebt ondergaan en de factuur hebt betaald, kun je deze zelf indienen bij je zorgverzekeraar. De zorgverzekeraar beoordeelt de aanvraag en je kunt het bedrag binnen een paar dagen tot een week op je rekening verwachten.

Make an appointment without obligation

Are you curious whether you are entitled to compensation within your current package? We are happy to take a look with you during a free and non-binding consultation with one of our skin therapists.